CashCrusader 3.1 released!
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• PTC Package Manager •
CashCrusader has been lacking advanced redemption manager. This new version addresses the issue and adds PTC package manager. Admin creates PTC templates and members redeem their earnings and provide advertisement details. All admin has to do is to approve or deny the request in the admin panel. The PTCs can be country and account type targeted! Setup help can be found from the online manual.

• IP Range Blocker •
CashCrusader has IP blocker with wildcard support. While this is good for simple blocks, it has not been possible to efficiently block whole ranges. The new IP blocker makes this possible. Inputs can be formatted in IP net ranges or CIDR blocks.

• Block Logger •
CashCrusader offers various blocking tools. Now the blocks are being logged to a single log. The logs can provide a lot of useful information.

• Account Type Specific Cashout Limits •
The cashout minimum defined for a cashout type has been same for each account type. Now you may define overrides to set different cashout minimums to every account type and cashout type combination.

• Several Smaller Changes •
  • IP2Nation geo database has been updated to the January 15th 2013 version
  • Fixed a bug in contest PTC winner picking when using multiple contest PTC groups
  • Fixed rented referral activity bypass setting which affected non-rented referrals as well
  • Fixed editing of browser blocks
  • Patched a potential XSS vulnerability from the PTC admanager
  • Lots of other fixes and changes, to view the complete changelog, click here
• Still Using CashCrusader 2.xx? •
Check out the highlights of the CashCrusader 3.0 release.